Microsurgical Spine Center


Microsurgery (also called Microdecompression) is a minimally invasive, motion sparing procedure that takes pressure off of the spinal nerves in either the neck or lower back by enlarging the spinal canal. Two types of common
decompression procedures are:

  • Hemilaminotomy: involves removing a small portion of impaired lamina and bone tissues on the side of the vertebrae where there is spinal compression, thereby opening the spinal canal and relieving pressure.
  • Foraminotomy: involves removing part of the bone, disc, tissues, or ligaments around the nerve in the foramen that are “pinching” or pressing against the nerve. The foramen are the two passageways on either side of each connecting vertebrae that the nerves from the spinal cord branch off into the rest of the body. This procedure involves the following steps:
    • 1 inch or less incision
    • A minimally invasive retractor is used to gently push the muscle to the side to allow nerve root decompression under a microscope.
    • Using microsurgery, any pressure can be taken off the nerve root at one or more levels. This can involve:
      • Removing a portion of the lamina to access the structures of the spine (laminotomy)
      • Removing bone spurs and other structures in the foramen that are creating pressure on the nerves
    • If needed, a microdiscectomy can be performed where a portion of the bulging disc or the entire herniated disc can be removed to decrease pressure.

To see if Microsurgery is right for you call us at 866 770-6386 or schedule a consultation today!